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Thus, in some cases in various parts of the world, there is evidence of the development of fildena side effects from vaccination. In this regard, many countries at the legislative level force vaccination to be mandatory. On the territory of the CIS, a person chooses to be vaccinated against influenza or not. Influenza vaccines can be divided into three groups. Whole virus - live or inactivated viral particles. The cheapest option, which has the most side effects. Subunit - contain fragments of viral particles, to which the body develops immunity.

They are more expensive, have fewer side effects, but lose their effectiveness when infected with a mutated influenza virus. Split vaccines contain fragments of destroyed viral particles, as well as their mutated form. They are costly, have the fewest side effects, and are most effective. Approved for use by children and pregnant women. After a flu shot, local reactions may appear in the form of redness and swelling at the injection site, as well as general malaise, a slight increase in body temperature, and drowsiness.
In order not to get sick with the flu, try to strengthen your body throughout the year. Consider some rules for preventing the flu and strengthening your body. Influenza is an acute respiratory viral infection caused by viruses of groups A, B or C, occurring with severe toxicosis, fever, and damage to buy fildena online and lower respiratory tract. Influenza often gives complications up to a lethal outcome, causes epidemics. There are three groups of the virus.
group A with numerous strains. It has a severe course, a high percentage of complications, strongly mutates.
  • Group B - proceeds relatively mildly, rarely gives complications, strongly mutates. group C - proceeds relatively easily, practically does not mutate, occurs mainly in children.
  • The influenza virus belongs to the ARVI group, has a similar distribution, seasonality and course, but has more pronounced clinical manifestations, course and outcomes.
  • Influenza is prone to epidemic spread. The source of infection is sick people in the period of incubation and peak.
  • Infection occurs by airborne droplets, from the moment of infection to clinical manifestations, it takes from 6 hours to 2 days.


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The virus penetrates through the mucous membranes of fildena pills, respiratory tract. Less often, infection occurs through common hygiene items and utensils. The onset of influenza is acute with a sharp malaise, fever to high numbers, sometimes up to 39-40°C. At the beginning, there is also a strong chill, intoxication, catarrhal phenomena (redness, sore throat). There is a severe headache, with localizations in the forehead and nose, aggravated by eye movement. There is severe weakness, muscle aches, pain in the lower back and joints, loss of appetite with nausea. The fever persists up to order fildena for sale.

There are also runny nose and sore throat, dryness and perspiration, dry cough without sputum, pain in the eyes, their redness, tearing, hoarseness and stuffy ears. Also, with severe influenza, hemorrhagic manifestations can occur - vasodilation on the sclera, small hemorrhages, nosebleeds, redness of the face against the background of general pallor, hemorrhages on the skin in the form of small dots.

In severe cases, fever over 40 ° C, severe headaches with vomiting, shortness of breath with noisy breathing, oblivion and delirium, impaired consciousness, convulsions, hemorrhagic skin rashes occur. Influenza is especially severe in children of the first two years, debilitated patients, pregnant women and the elderly. The basis for diagnosing influenza is a typical clinic with an indication of epidemic data. A smear-imprint from the throat and nose confirms the diagnosis of influenza with the isolation of a strain of the virus. During an influenza epidemic, the diagnosis is based on clinical findings.